At next Tuesday’s council Meeting it is recommended THAT Council receive and note The Bay Pavilions Sustainability Plan 2024.
The Business paper says “The Plan has been developed in response to the high operational costs of the Bay Pavilions and the need to strategically manage and mitigate ongoing operational expenses and risks, as identified in three external, independent reviews undertaken in 2023 and via internal Council assessment.
The pre-construction operating cost estimates, as reported to Council, significantly underestimated the cost of running the facility. Figures of $330,000 and $338,570, reducing to $110,000 – 113,0040 by year 10 were included in a number of Council reports, in 2017, 2018 and 2020.
The total actual cost currently sits at $5,062,000 (2023-24), with the anticipated cost for the next 10 years estimated to remain between $5-$6 million per annum. This includes all costs, including contract and materials, depreciation, energy costs, maintenance and insurance. This provides a significant challenge.
The development of the Bay Pavilions Sustainability Plan is a key action in Council’s Finance Strategy 2024-2028.
The facility is popular and well utilised, welcoming 288,131 visitors in 2023-24. This figure is 8% higher than visitor numbers for the previous year. The Plan aims to optimise business and financial opportunities within this context, enabling positive community benefits and service delivery outcomes at the facility.
The Plan includes three strategic themes, aligned to the Finance Strategy and supported by 26 Actions and associated measures. Each action is prioritised, with 10 High, 11 Medium, 1 Low and 4 ongoing ratings in place.
Resourcing the delivery of the Plan will be achieved using existing staff and contractors, with work already begun on nine of the 26 actions.”
The Bay Pavilions is popular and well utilised, welcoming 288,131 visitors in 2023-24. This is up 8% on the previous year.
Key activities in the 2023-24 year include:
- 62 shows. This was a focus area and is up 15% on the previous year, with further plans for more shows and programming of the theatre space and associated rooms.
- 615 Learn to swim participants. This is on par with the previous year.
- 42 hour long live Classes with teacher per week, 162 hour long virtual classes per week, providing a total of 204 hours of classes per week.
- 10 Aqua Classes each week in the 25m pool, with 400 people per week attending. Council is focused on increasing this offering.
- 3 aqua mobility classes in the warm water pool, accommodating 36 people per week.
- There has been significant improvement in the café both in the service and offerings. This has resulted in improved profitability at the Café. These operations will be monitored monthly to ensure continued improvement.
- 424 meeting room bookings. This is up from 344 in 22/23, which is a 23% increase. There will be focus on further increasing usage.
Link to The Bay Pavilions Sustainability Plan 2024.
Editors Note: This Publication has received no payments for advertising of activities at the Bay Pavilions, but continues to support the Pav’s activities in the interests of all ratepayers.