For those of you not glued to the electoral commission website, the official team of councillors for the new term have been declared
They are: Mayor Mathew Hatcher (returning), Amber Schutz (returning), Anthony Mayne (returning), Rob Pollock (returning),
Laurence Babington, Phil Constable (served previously), Mick Johnson, Colleen Turner and Sharon Winslade.
The Council meeting dates for the rest of the year are 29 October, 19 November and 17 December.
To speak at Public Forum: register by email or phone to Council’s executive services office no later than 12pm of the business day prior to the meeting. identify the item of business on the agenda of the Council meeting that you wish to speak on, and you may state whether you’re speaking ‘for’ or ‘against’ the item. speakers are encouraged to provide a written copy of your presentation to Council by 12pm the business day before the Council meeting. If provided, your presentation will be published with the meeting agenda and minutes.