Moruya Mail

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Letter to the Editor: Make your own arrangements!” says ESC

Yet again, Araluen Road residents are to suffer the consequences of totally inadequate road maintenance by ESC.

On Monday 10th March Araluen Road closed, and will remain closed for up to 3 months due to road rebuilding work, financed by nearly $5m in Disaster Funding.

Publicly, council continues to promote the pretence that the integrity of the road was compromised by the bushfires and subsequent floods.

In truth, these events exacerbated road failures that have been developing and worsening over many years, as any long-term resident will testify. The western half receives only one grade per year, regardless of the condition of the road pavement, blocked gutters/drainage pipes and cracked/crumbling/eroded edges.

Residents west of the closure sites (25km, 28km & 31km) will be unable to access Moruya for any reason unless they travel via Araluen, Braidwood (via Majors’ Ck Rd due to road closure), Batemans Bay, Moruya – a round trip of approximately 300km.

Emergency services will have to come from the Braidwood, well over an hour away.

Unlike previous closures, there are no fire trails to provide alternative access.

I wrote to council asking what consideration would be given to residents having to access Moruya for work, school, appointments etc.

Council response, “they will need to make their own arrangements …..,.”

They can,  “walk or cycle through the closure with guidance from contractors …..”

I can only imagine my elderly neighbour cycling through a work site.

Perhaps those with work commitments could set up camp in the Council Chambers? I am aware that during previous closures, some residents paid for hotel rooms.

And the cherry on the top of council’s ‘who gives a flying flamingo’ cake:

Residents, “MAY arrange their own transport from the other side. Residents have made similar arrangements during past closures.”

MAY we? Thanks for your permission!

Note to ESC:

  • road closures in recent years have seen an emergence of theft and vandalism from outsiders taking advantage of our situation with law enforcement being a very distant and reluctant deterrent.  
  • in the past, there were alternative routes via fire trails. This time there isn’t!
  • at the 2nd landslide site, landowners bulldozed a detour through their own property (for residents only). They were abused, spat at and threatened by outsiders wanting access. Locks were cut, cameras trashed, a home broken into and trespasses found on a bushfire rebuild site.
  • there are no secure parking sites near closures.


So no, Mr/Ms Council person, residents are not prepared to leave vehicles unattended on either side of the closure, unless of course, council is willing to foot the bill for damaged, stolen or vandalised property?

Some examples of difficulties to be faced by residents:

*a young mum requiring weekly hospital treatment,

*a stock carting business,

*an Air B and B,

*an elderly lady with weekly appointments in Moruya,

*an interstate truck driver,

*a young family with school children,

*a tradesman with a work vehicle stocked with valuable tools,

*residents with produce to sell,

*residents who work in Moruya,

*medical appointments,

*accessing tradespeople,

*social events

For me personally, (luckily, I’m retired), I will be doing a weekly shop in Braidwood for supplies etc. To attend a medical appointment in early April I will have to go via Braidwood, Batemans Bay to Moruya and back – the same if I wish/need to visit family/friends/events or other appointments etc. 

The question must be asked of ESC, has anyone considered the financial, occupational, emotional, social and psychological well- being of Araluen Road residents with this hard road closure, keeping in mind the cumulative impact of past closures which have cost some residents very dearly?

Of course, we must still continue to pay our rates with no compensation for the financial losses we incur or the road we cannot use.

And finally, the jewel in the crown of council correspondence,

“We appreciate your understanding.”

What an absurd presumption!

We do not understand why we must suffer the consequences of what can only be described as, ESC’s wilful neglect of Araluen Road – council’s only arterial road linking inland to the coast.

Patricia Gardiner

Deua River Valley,

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