Moruya Mail

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Community meeting searches for solutions to crime

Keep Moruya Safe Committee

Last night over 100 people attended the community meeting, including Dr Michael Holland, MP for Bega, Police Inspector John Sheehan from Batemans Bay, Sergeant Chris Wilson from Moruya, and Hicka, Chief Administrative Officer form the Cobowra Land Council of Moruya.

The audience was sombre but hopeful – wanting action to make Moruya safer. Many were our elders, our more vulnerable members of the community. Many victims of crime shared their stories (examples attached).

A powerpoint on NSW crime statistics from the Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research, was presented to the audience. Copy attached. Note photos were not shown to the audience.

A short summary of NSW Government initiatives was provided. Statistics show quite clearly the regional and rural areas have higher levels of crime than our cities and thanks to the work of the NSW CWA the NSW Legislative Council is undertaking an inquiry into regional crime. Submissions from the public close on 31 May, (see attached). The Keep Moruya Safe Committee will be making a submission. In March the NSW Government announced a package of $26.2m to undertake initiatives to address regional crime in hot spots in western NSW.

The group came up with a diverse package of solutions – some short term, some long term in nature. There were so many amazing ideas.

  • A receptionist at the police station in Moruya so it can be open to the public during business hours. 90% of the audience put their hand up to vote in support of this proposal.
  • Adult alcohol and drug rehabilitation services
  • A significant increase in the PCYC budget
  • Additional services to support our young men in the transition to employment.
  • The local ice dealers being dealt with by police
  • The NSW government, with long term funding (not short term grants), needs to directly provide more mental health services and education resources to ensure all our children go to school.
  • The Department of Housing needs to be more proactive about dealing with people in social housing who commit crimes, for example placing them at locations where there are more social support services.

Inspector Sheehan encouraged all victims of crime to report it to police. This can be done over the phone or through Crimestoppers. You don’t need the police to come to your house. He encouraged attendees to lock their cars and houses to make it harder for thieves.

Dr Michael Holland said he would take the issues and concerns raised at the meeting to his Parliamentary colleagues so they can be property considered and action. He said this meeting was the best public meeting on such a sensitive issue he had ever attended.

A big thank you to Amanda Annabell from Toastmaster who was our MC and kept us on track,

The Keep Moruya Safe Committee knows this is just the beginning of its work to make Moruya safer for all. We will provide the Moruya Mail with regular updates so watch out for these.

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