Moruya Mail

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100 years ago from the Moruya & District Historical Society

Moruya Show 1928

14th February 1925

Mr. R. V. Harvison, who has been on the sick list for many months, took a turn for the worse during the week, and his health is now in a very precarious state. His son, Mr. Alwyn Harvison, arrived home on Monday night.

Our popular member, Mr. J. A. Perkins, and his charming wife, were amongst the visitors to our Show. By their winning personalities, Mr. and Mrs. Perkins increase their already large circle of friends on each visit to this district.

The following pupils of Moruya Public School have qualified for the high schools named- Agnes Coppin for Parramatta High School, John Emmott and Colin White for North Sydney Boy’s High School. These pupils are to be congratulated upon winning this distinction.

Bateman’s Bay. (From our Correspondent) Mr. Fitzpatrick, better known as “Barney,” met with a very painful accident on Monday afternoon. He was loading sawdust at Mr. Fenning’s mill when by some means the rein got caught in the big hook and this caused the horse to back, and Barney was crushed against a post and sustained severe injuries inwardly. Latest reports are that he is slowly progressing.

Bodalla. (From our Correspondent) The usual half yearly meeting of the Bodalla Library took place on the 7th inst., those present being Mr. D. Hutchison (chair), Messrs. J. Brown, J. Vandenberg, F. Brice, and secretary F. Nichelsen. The Balance-sheet showed a credit balance of £3 4s 7d for the half year. A vote of thanks was accorded the Hon. Secretary and Librarian for his work during the year. It was also decided to present a fine book case that had for years been in the Library to the Bodalla Public School, and to erect shelves in its stead. …

MORUYA A. & P. SOCIETY’S SUCCESSFUL JUBILEE SHOW. – … As on former occasions the President, Mr. D. Hutchison, was most active and proved himself a tower of strength to the society, and with a capable, hard-working Committee, the energetic Secretary, Mr. H. P. Jeffery, carried out his duties in his usual courteous manner.

The ring events were heavily contested, some of the competitors in the hunting events doing remarkably well. As usual the spectators were treated to some fine acrobatic “turns,” the rider taking the hurdle while his mount remained stationary. Of the local horsemen, Mr. W. Turnbull was easily the most successful. The fair equestriennes were prominent in many events, Miss. Alma Milne’s mount frequently catching the judge’s eye. This young lady rides with a fine easy style and knows how to handle her mount to the best advantage.

Some good pigs were on exhibition, Messrs. A. Louttit and H. P. Jeffery sharing the prize in this particular class.

Extracted from the Moruya Examiner by the Moruya and District Historical Society Inc.

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