The Eurobodallaites are arranging a euchre party and dance to raise funds for the Cooma-Bega Bursary Fund. Misses Connolly and Hopkins are the secretaries to the function which will be held in the Eurobodalla Hall on Friday, 29th August.
Our Brass Band rendered another program of delightful music at the Court House corner on Saturday night. A collection was taken up by Mr. P. Mylott, one of the Band’s most enthusiastic supporters, which resulted in the fund being augmented by over £2.
Mrs. Mary Ann Duffil, better known as Mrs. Willoughby, passed away at Nelligen on Saturday last aged 88 years. The remains were interred in the Methodist portion of the Nelligen cemetery, the Rev. A. Pill (Moruya) officiating. Deceased was the maternal grandmother of Mrs. E. Birch, of Garlandtown, Moruya.
Our movie loving public are promised a special treat on Tuesday night, 9th Sept, as Mr. Preddy has been fortunate in securing the right to screen what is considered to be the greatest picture of the Age – “If Winter Comes.”
Through so many men in this district being out of work, and in order to obtain authentic and definite information as to when work in connection with the North Shore Bridge would commence at Pompey Quarry, Mr. C. Carter, Secretary Progress Association, wrote to Dormon Long & Co. In reply the contractors wrote as follows: – “Reference Quarry Granite Works at Moruya. We acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 2nd inst., and in reply would inform you that work will be started about the early part of next year.”
Mr. A. H. Weatherby has erected a Bowser pump in front of his garage in Vulcan Street, which will be a convenience to motorists.
Mr. R. N. Bull has been “listening in” during the week, having had the wireless installed at his residence in Campbell St.
CLEARING-OUT SALE SATURDAY, AUGUST 23, 1924, at 1p.m. sharp. – H. J. Thomson has received instructions from Mrs. Ross to sell the whole of her property, consisting of two acres of land on which is erected dwelling House, containing 4 large rooms, Hall, Kitchen, Office and Bath Room. Stables, Buggy Shed, Feed-rooms and large Workshop. (Land Torrens Title). …
UNDERTAKER’S BUSINESS will be offered separately; Hearse, Horse, Harness, Coffin furniture with all mountings; also 600 ft. pine.
VEHICLES – 1 Single Buggy (with hood) in splendid order; 1 Buckboard, Harness and Traces.
FURNITURE – The whole of the Household Furniture and Kitchen Utensils (a big lot).
200 CARPENTER’S TOOLS some of which are hereunder specified: – 7 Saws, 10 Planes, 2 Stanley Planes, 38 Cabinet Planes, 6 Clamps, 70 Bits, Boring-machine, Flooring-dogs, Vice, Spirit levels, Shifting Spanners, 6 Squares, 7 Hammers, 1 Carpenter’s Axe, 23 Chisels, Step-Ladder, Wheelbarrow, and a great number of other tools too numerous to mention.
Extracted from the Moruya Examiner by the Moruya and District Historical Society Inc.