Mr. and Mrs. Harold Harper were driving towards Tilba in a sulky on Monday, when the horse shied and took the vehicle down a steep bank. One of Mrs. Harper’s arms was badly broken, and she was taken to Narooma, where the Doctor recommended her removal to Sydney.
Postmaster Higgs expects “joy” to reign supreme whilst alterations are being made to the local Post Office. The continuity of the telephone services will no doubt be broken for a short time, as the switch board will have to be removed from one part of the building to another.
The “Flower Afternoon” on Thursday, organised by Mrs. E. Hawdon, jnr., on behalf of the Refreshment Stall at the forthcoming C.E. Carnival, was a most successful and pleasant one. The spacious rooms at “Beverley” were tastefully adorned with Flora’s choicest blooms, and the happy gathering spent an interesting time in guessing the many floral representations as worn by each guest. The prize- a box of chocolates- was eventually won by Mrs. Starr. The hostess presided over tables laden with recherche refreshments.
The secretaries have asked us to remind the ladies to take along refreshments to the hospital ball euchre party on Tuesday night next.
Mr. P. Lennard, of the Bodalla Arms Hotel, is suffering from a nervous breakdown, but latest reports state that the patient is now a little better.
Mr. Fred Ryan was removing girders near the wharf on Thursday, when he had the misfortune to have one of his fingers crushed off near the first joint, through getting it jammed.
Bateman’s Bay. (From our Correspondent) The Bay footballers suffered their first defeat in the competition when Bodalla beat them by 7 to 5 on Saturday on the Bodalla ground. The match was one of the most interesting in the whole competition. “Snowy” Ison received a nasty kick on the back of his leg and was “hobbling” about for a few days, but is now much improved. A meeting was held on Monday night to decide what form the annual effort in aid of Moruya Hospital should take. It was decided to send out lists.
FOR SALE – BEAUTIFUL GARDEN SWEDE TURNIPS, 6s per cwt, or 1s 6d by the quarter, delivered to any part of town. C. H. BERRIMAN, Turlinjah.
PUBLIC NOTICE – ALL applications for hiring the Centennial Hall must be made to Mr. Alex. McIntosh (caretaker), on or after August 1st, 1924. GEORGE LUCK, Trustee.
EGGS FOR SETTING – FROM my well-known strain of UTILITY WHITE LEGHORNS at 7/6 per Setting. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. C. IRWIN, Kiora, Moruya. ‘Phone No. 11.
- S. ROWE, AUCTIONEER, Stock and Station Agent, MORUYA. – Office known as Stock Office, Carden’s Building.
Extracted from the Moruya Examiner by the Moruya and District Historical Society Inc.